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Z-hub, the nature-culture connection hub
that supports holistic sustainability,
happiness, health, harmony,
and communities, people, and nature.

Z-hub, the nature-culture connection hub
for holistic sustainable communities.

Culture is society's relationship with nature.
Culture includes how society uses nature (air, water,
soil, habitats, etc.), views nature, values nature,
learns about nature, and takes care of nature.
Culture includes how nature links to and is viewed
in the media,
schools, education, health care, economy,
morals, ethics, government, science, art, language, etc.
Culture's core topics: nature, society, school, design

Some subjects within every core topic:

nature-and-culture● (nc)
ecology-and-economy● (eco)
science-and-art unite!● (sci-art)
for the sake of mankind's well-being, plus,
to be moral, good, and nice to communities, people, and nature
z-hub links:
ABC Holistic Education Garden●,
Blog of Zoe at Galien Valley●,
Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program●,
Pocket Pumpkin Press●,
school●, ABCs of education●,
society●, culture●, nature●,
Nature-Culture connection●,
eco: ecology and economy●,
culture-education-ecology-economy (CEEE)●,
top 8 goals in education and ecology and economy●,
community●, holistic sustainability●,
morals●, 5 ways to be Nice●, holistic (whole culture)●,
holistic health●, economy●, government●,
language●, defintions●,science and art●,
maps●, history-present-future●, math●,
tools and technology: low-tech to high-tech●,
quality calendar and quotes●, peace●.