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Religious Schools

Trinity Luthern School Michigan

Above image: Trinity Lutheran School, Sawyer, MI.

Trinity Lutheran School, Sawyer, MI. (Lutheran)

St. Mary of the Lake, New Buffalo, MI. (Catholic)

The Oaks Academy, Indianapolis, IN.
Christ-Centered Classical Education

List of Religious Schools in Berrien County, MI.

Andrews Academy
Christ Lutheran School
Eau Claire (Seventh-Day Adventists) SDA Elementary School
Faith Evangelical Lutheran School
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran School
Grace Lutheran School, St. Joseph
Immanuel Lutheran School
Lake Michigan Catholic Schools

Michigan Lutheran High School
Niles (Seventh-Day Adventists) SDA School
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School
St. Joseph Catholic School
St. Mary's School
St. Mary of the Lake School
St. Matthew's Lutheran School
St. Paul's Lutheran School - Sodus
St. Paul's Lutheran School - Stevensville
Trinity Lutheran - Berrien Springs
Trinity Lutheran - St. Joseph
Trinity Lutheran - Sawyer
Village (Seventh-Day Adventists) SDA School - Berrien Springs


About Education in General

A Sustainable School
Imagine a school that is sustainable and spiritual, such as children learning to be kind to human neighbors and to fellow earth creatures. 40 ways school can help foster connections between education, each child, society, culture, and nature; on school routines that guide children to learn about their connection to family, to the immediate local society, to the immediate local outdoors, and to the immediate local love of God; on school routines that guide children to learn how to live sustainable in their local community and to protect and enrich local natural habitats and resources; and more.

© 2008-2010 Pocket Pumpkin Press, last updated April 2010
Three Oaks, Michigan, USA