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A Variety of Animals in Southwest Michigan The Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is a mammal. (Some other mammals that currently live in Michigan are humans, deer, fox, skunk, moles, mice, cats, dogs, cows, and pigs.) The Eastern Gray Squirrel commonly lives at the woods. In the above image, the Eastern Gray Squirrel is in a Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa). Squirrels eat acorns, the fruit of oak trees. The Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) is a bird. (Some other birds that currently live in Michigan are Cardinals, Blue Jays, pigeons, and chickens.) The Herring Gull is commonly seen and heard animal at the lake, beach, and dunes. Herring Gulls eat several things including clams, small fish, and human garbage. The Red-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) is a bird. It commonly lives at the woods. The Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) is a reptile. (Another reptile that currently lives in Michigan is a snake.) The Painted Turtle commonly lives at ponds in the woods and wetlands. The American Toad (Bufo americanus) is an amphibian. (Some other amphibiansthat currently live in Michigan are frogs and salamanders.) The American Toad commonly lives on land in the woods. The Green Frog (Rana clamitans) is an amphibian. It commonly lives in the water at wetlands and woods. The Blue Gill (Lepomis macrochirus) is a fish. (Some other fish that currently live in Michigan are minnows, trout, salmon, yellow perch, and walleye.) The Blue Gill commonly lives in the water at wetlands and woods. The Dune Locust (Trimerotropis maritima) is an insect. (Some other insects that currently live in Michigan are ants, bees, butterflies, beetles, flies, and mosquitoes.) The Dune Locust commonly lives at the dunes. The Meadowhawk Dragonfly (Sympetrum danae) is an insect. It usually lives at the bog. Admiral Red Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) is an insect. It usually lives at the woods. The Harvestman (Phalangium opilio) is an arachnid. (Some other arachnids that currently live in Michigan are spiders, tics, and mites.) The Harvestman typically lives in the woods. Technically, it is not a spider. Spiders have two body parts. The Harvestman has only one body part. The Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a mollusk. (Some other mollusks that currently live in Michigan are clams and snails.) The Zebra Mussel lives in Lake Michigan. Its shells wash up on the beach. The Zebra Mussel is an invasive exotic species in the Great Lakes. The Rolly Polly (Armadillidium vulgare) is a crustacean. (Some other crustaceans that currently live in Michigan are crayfish and shrimp.) The Rolly Polly is also called a Pillbug or Isopod. The Rolly Polly typically lives in the woods, such as under logs. The Earthworm (Lumbricus sp.) is an annelid worm. (Another annelid worm that currently lives in Michigan is the leech.) The Earthworm typically lives in the woods, in the soil. The Silver-Spotted Skipper Butterfly (Epargyreus clarus) is an insect. It usually lives in open woodlands. All animals need plants from which to directly or indirectly get nutrients and energy. Each animal eats plants and or eats animals that eat plants. In the above image, the Silver-Spotted Skipper Butterfly is about to sip the nectar of the Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana). Each animal needs natural elements (such as plants, animals, water, ground, and air) and a functional habitat in which to live. In order for a habitat to function well, the plants, animals, water, ground, and air need to be in good condition. Plants, animals, water, ground, and air affect the habitat. Furthermore, each natural element affects each of the other natural elements. Additionally, people's social elements (such as health, economy, school, government, art, and values) and culture affect the condition of each natural element and habitat. Also, while the natural elements and habitats are in good condition, people have the best chance of having optimal social elements of health, economy, education, freedom, practical values, and culture. Everything is connected to everything; thus, animals are related to all natural elements (habitats, plants, animals, water, ground, air, etc.), all social elements (health, economy, school, government, art, values, etc.), and culture. Ants are insects. Ants live everywhere on land. In the above image, ants are living off of the Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria). The Bumblebee (Bombus sp.) is an insect. Bees live and visit flowers everywhere on the land. In the above image, a bumblebee is collecting pollen from a Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium sp.). The Bumblebee (Bombus sp.) is an insect. Bees live and visit flowers everywhere on the land. In the above image, a bumblebee is collecting pollen from a Goldenrod (Solidago sp.). An insect is living off of a Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica). Insects live everywhere. All animals need plants from which to directly or indirectly get nutrients and energy. Each animal eats plants and or eats animals that eat plants. In the above image, the Silver-Spotted Skipper Butterfly is about to sip the nectar of the Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana). Each animal needs natural elements (such as plants, animals, water, ground, and air) and a functional habitat in which to live. In order for a habitat to function well, the plants, animals, water, ground, and air need to be in good condition. Plants, animals, water, ground, and air affect the habitat. Furthermore, each natural element affects each of the other natural elements. Additionally, people's social elements (such as health, economy, school, government, art, and values) and culture affect the condition of each natural element and habitat. Also, while the natural elements and habitats are in good condition, people have the best chance of having optimal social elements of health, economy, education, freedom, practical values, and culture. Everything is connected to everything; thus, animals are related to all natural elements (habitats, plants, animals, water, ground, air, etc.), all social elements (health, economy, school, government, art, values, etc.), and culture. Links: Several animals and plants that are in Virginia, are also in Michigan. Here's a Virginia-based website that has a webpage for each animal and plant that it lists. There's a long list. Also, it tells you the plant and animal species that each animal depends on to survive. It's a great food web website; it shows the connections between plants and animals. Also, it mentions how each plant and animal relates to people. Animal Diversity Web is created by University of Michigan. Animal Diversity Web is a good reference for a brief overview of each animals' physical features, habitat, life cycle, reproduction, and food. Animal species in Michigan and from any place in the world can be researched at Animal Diversity Web. Michigan Habitats Go to Water. Go Back to Southwest Michigan Nature. |
© 2008-2010 Pocket Pumpkin Press, last updated Aprill 2010
Three Oaks, Michigan, USA