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Connect.  Everything connects to everything else. ABC Garden, nature blog

Everything is Connected to Everything Else.

All social, cultural, economic, and environmental aspects are interrelated to each other. All social and cultural features (health, economy, education, science, art, government, etc.) relate to each other as well as to all natural features (air, water, soil, land, weather, plants, animals, small habitats, large ecosystems, etc.).

Education includes both knowledge and experience (learn by doing) of the science and art to run a community. Science and art go hand in hand.
Culture is based on nature: such as how people view nature, use nature, and take care of nature; how language, science, history, and math relate to nature; and how art, music, housing, tools, clothes, food, and ethnic cuisine relate to nature.

Culture, education, ecology, economy (CEEE) are strongly entwined together. A good culture runs a sustainable holistic community education, through which students learn local ecology and how to run a community economy that supports both people and nature. Modern education and the economy can improve by having the culture, education, ecology, and economy align together to aim for at least the same 8 goals: see:
Changes Needed in Education and Economy:
8 Goals and Success Indicators of culture, education, ecology, and economy.

Being holistic acknowledges that everything is connected to everything else. Holistic action and study looks at how one thing or one subject connects with and affects everything else. Holistic means that each skill, task, lesson, and activity, such as in education, is interdisciplinary and beneficial in multiple ways - and not in just one way, and not related to just one school subject. Holistic means that each skill, task, lesson, and activity is beneficial in many ways, simultaneously, including to people's health, safety, culture, education, ecology, economy, science, art, love, peace, joy, nature, communities, government, language, science, social studies, math, and more.


At the ABC Holistic Education Garden (ABC Garden), students gain a sustainable holistic community education, through which students learn local ecology, how to run a community economy that supports both people and nature, and that everything connects with everything else. Students learn CEEE and work on the 8 goals of culture, education, ecology, and economy.

ABC Garden Three Oaks, ABC Holistic Education Garden, Michigan, USA, nature blog, school subjects connect together
ABC Garden Homepage

ABC Holistic Education Garden of Three Oaks, Michigan, USA. Students learn that everything is connected to everything else. See some other class lessons learned at the ABC garden.
See ABC Garden
at www.z-hub.org/ABCgarden.html


Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program, ABC Garden, Three Oaks, Michigan, nature blog
Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program (GV-NCP)
Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program runs interdisicplinary classes about nature and culture. Classes are informative and fun. Students learn how culture and nature relate to each other and how science, art, health, economy, etc. relate to nature too. Furthermore, classes include a few lessons on holistic skills as well as the ABCs of community, ecology, economy, science, art, and more.
See Galien Valley Nature and Culture Program website at www.z-hub.org/galienvalleyncp.html


Blog of Zoe at Galien Valley, ABC Garden, Michigan, nature blog
Blog of Zoe at Galien Valley
, about practicing holistic skills, science, art, teaching nature classes and the ABCs of 6 holistic skills, local wildlife, local native flowers, stewardship and landcare of local habitats, culture and nature, everything is connected, etc.
See Zoe's Daily Blog website at
See Zoe's Monthly Blog website at


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. See more information about every basic thing that is important to the well-being of people - and how everything links to everything else. See www.z-hub.org


© 2008-2019 Pocket Pumpkin Press, last updated August 2019
Three Oaks, Michigan, USA